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14ème arrondissement de Paris RentParis

Montparnasse and the 14th arrondissement is first and foremost La Tour Montparnasse and the quartiers of Plaissance-Pernety, Denfert-Rochereau, Alésia and Montsouris. The Metro stations are: Port-Royal, Vavin, Gaîté, Alésia, Plaisance, etc.

Today Montparnasse is a busy, commercial quartier with theatres, cinemas and restaurants marked by the architecture of the sixties.

Although the Bretons of Paris still get together in the crêperies around the famous Tour Montparnasse, the quartier is now more visited by business people and tourists.

Not to be missed: the view from the top of Tour Montparnasse, Musée Bourdelle at 18 rue Antoine-Bourdelle, the Cartier Foundation at 261 boulevard Raspail (for fabulous temporary exhibitions), Montparnasse cemetery at 3 boulevard Edgar-Quinet and the church of Notre-Dame-du-Travail at 36 rue Guilleminot, the Paris Observatory at 61 avenue de l’Observatoire, The Catacombs, the cloister of the Abbaye Port-Royal, Square Montsouris and Parc Montsouris.


The favourite restaurants:

  • Restaurant, Cobéa

    1 rue Raymond Losserand
    75014 Paris

    +33 1 43 20 21 39

  • Restaurant, L’Opportun

    Boulevard Edgar-Quinet
    75014 Paris

    +33 1 43 20 26 89

  • Restaurant, L'Assiette

    181, rue du Château
    75014 Paris

    +33 1 43 22 64 86

  • Restaurant, La contre Allée

    83, avenue Denfert-Rochereau
    75014 Paris

    +33 1 43 54 99 86

